If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about any aspect of Balgonie Soccer, please let us hear them here. The Balgonie Soccer Board will review them, and respond as soon as possible.
We have a Facebook Group Page for Balgonie Soccer. It is a closed group only open to players, parents, referees, and coaches. If you are a Facebook user, please consider joining our group!
Remember, we are all volunteers, and we put in the time to see the smiling faces of the kids on the fields. That is what Rec Soccer is all about.
Any general questions or concerns you may have about facilities, reffing, coaching, scheduling, etc can be addressed by using the form below or send an email to: BalgonieSoccer@gmail.com
Any questions about payments can be sent to the Treasurer by sending an email to: Treasurer.BalgonieSoccer@gmail.com
Any questions about equipment can be sent to the Equipment manager: Equipment.BalgonieSoccer@gmail.com
If you have any questions or concerns to discuss directly with the President of the Balgonie Soccer board, send an email to: President.BalgonieSoccer@gmail.com