Balgonie Soccer
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Equipment Required:

1) Equipment shall consist of shorts/sweatpants, socks over shin-guards, footwear, and a numbered shirt.
         Here is an example of proper shoes and what isn't allowed.
2) Goalkeepers must wear colours which are distinguishable from those of other players and those of the referee. Goalkeepers may wear gloves and tracksuit-type pants.
3) NO JEANS ARE ALLOWED by any player.
4) ALL jewellery or piercings must be removed (medical alerts excluded).

Divisions and Age groups:
* Age groups are based on the calendar year. Older players cannot play down a level, but it is possible to request moving up a level.

* The Indoor age groups for  are 6U, 8U 10U, 12U, 15U and 18U. The Regina Interzone and TAYSA are no longer accepting 19yr old's.  Unfortunately we will not be running 4U for the indoor season as scheduling is difficult to try and add that division in a tight schedule for the gyms.

2024-25 Indoor Season Registration Costs and Age Groups:
6U   -  $80  -  2018, 2019
8U   - 
$80  -  2016, 2017
10U - 
$80  -  2014, 2015
12U - 
$115  -  2012, 2013
15U - 
$115  -  2009, 2010, 2011
18U - 
$115  -  2006, 2007, 2008

Indoor Season Game Days:
Games will be played on Saturdays starting around the middle of October, with the season ending the middle of March.
8U, 10U = Play at the schools in Balgonie, White City, and Pilot Butte as availability allows.
12U, 15U, 18U = Play Interzone which include the above communities and some Regina Soccer clubs. These game are usually played at the UofR 
(**Times will be determined once the number of teams is determined and the schedules created)

* The Outdoor age groups for  are 4U 6U, 8U 10U, 12U, 15U and 18U. The Regina Interzone and TAYSA are no longer accepting 19yr old's.
2024 Outdoor Season Registration Costs and Age Groups:
4U   -  $45  -  2020, 2021
6U   - 
$80  -  2018, 2019
8U   - 
$80  -  2016, 2017
10U - 
$80  -  2014, 2015
12U - 
$105  -  2012, 2013
15U - 
$105  -  2009, 2010, 2011
18U - 
$105  -  2006, 2007, 2008

Outdoor Season Game Days:
Games will be played during the week starting around April 29th (depending of field conditions) with a year end Jamboree set for fathers day weekend, June 14th, 15th.
4U = Tuesday 6:30PM**
6U = M & W 
8U = T & TH 6:30PM**
10U = M & W 6:30PM**
12U = M & W **
15U = T & TH **
18U = M & W **
(**Times will be determined / confirmed once number of teams is determined and the schedules created)

Weather - Rain - Field Cancelations

We play unless announced otherwise. 
We are always keeping an eye on the weather, as we are sure you do too.  With our short season we play as many games and practices as the weather allows us. A little bit of rain usually does not stop a game.
We aim to check the fields between 4:30-5:00pm to assess conditions. If no cancelations are sent out play continues. If conditions change closer to, or during, game time it becomes a game time decision for the Referee to make in consultation with the coaches.

On a day when it is raining hard or a lot, if the game has not been canceled ahead of time, it becomes a game time decision. Play continues so long as the field is not getting damaged and it is still safe to play. If the rain intensifies the Referee and Coaches will discuss, the Referee will decide if the game is delayed or canceled.


1. Thunder and Lightning clarification:

a. If during the game you can hear thunder you can be hit by lightning. Play is stopped immediately if thunder is heard.

b. Coaches can help make this call by discussing with the referee and each other, but the referee makes this call and has final say.

c. Decision must be made if this will be a delay of game until storm passes or a cancellation.

d. Everyone is asked to take immediate shelter.

2. Lightning only:

a. Lightning can be seen from a long distance away, especially on our open prairie fields. If lightning alone is seen in the distance, but no thunder is heard, play can continue so long as the storm isn’t imminent.

b. The coaches and Referee should agree on continuing play, if not, play is stopped and again a delay or cancel decision is made. But as per 1 above, play is stopped immediately if thunder is heard.

3. Severe winds:

a. The game might be cancelled due to high or dangerous winds.

b. If during the game. winds increase and are strong enough to move the ball across the field on its own, Referee and coaches will discuss a delay or cancellation of the game.

4. Air Quality:

a. Based on GOC Air Quality Health Index, outdoor sporting events should be rescheduled with AQHI is 7 or higher

If a game is canceled, we will let you know by posting in the Facebook group, a message will go out via Teamlinkt, and we will post an update on our website. If possible, we will also try to cancel the games in Teamlinkt. The Town may also post on their Facebook page and the Talk of the Town page.

Payment Options:
At the end of the registration process you have three options:
1) Pay Now with Credit Card
2) Pay Later with Credit Card
3) Pay Later with Cheque, Transfer, etc.

If you are not paying by credit card at time of registration:
- The player will not be placed on a team until payment is received.
If no payment is received by the time registration closed the player will be put on the waitlist or the registration canceled.
Your payment options are: 
1) Pay cash or cheque at the town office.
2) Pay by etransfer (details below).
3) Click on the "Pay Now" link in the email and pay online using credit card.

Please provide the First and Last name of each player you are paying for when paying by etransfer or at the town office. We want to make sure the credit goes to the correct player(s), thanks!

Please send e-transfers to 
​Autodeposit is enabled so when that notification comes up you know the email address is correct.   

League Refund Policy
Prior to the Start of the Season: Registration fees will be refunded less a $15 Administration Charge.

From the Start of the Season through Week 2: Registration fees will be refunded less a $15 Administration Charge.

After Week 2 of the Season: There will be no refunds.

TAYSA - Triangle Area Youth Soccer Association - 
Made up of soccer associations from White City/Emerald Park, Pilot Butte, Balgonie, Edenwold, and McLean.

Regina East Zone Soccer Click here for their main page

Regiona West Zonee Soccer  - Click here for their main page
u14 - u19 teams play an interzone schedule with the Regina East Zone teams.  Weather updates are available for Regina games here.
Link to a map of the fields: Click here to get a map
